


Zirconium Ball Valve

The flow resistance of the zirconium ball valve is small. The ball valve has the smallest fluid resistance among all valves. Even the reduced diameter ball valve has a relatively small fluid resistance, and the switch is fast and convenient. Open or fully close action, it is easy to achieve quick opening and closing. Zirconium ball valve has good sealing performance. The ball valve seat (sealing ring) is generally made of elastic materials such as polytetrafluoroethylene, which is easy to ensure the sealing, and the sealing force of the ball valve increases with the increase of the medium pressure, and the zirconium ball valve stem seals reliably. When the ball valve is opened and closed, the valve stem only rotates 90°, so the packing seal of the valve stem is not easy to be damaged, and the sealing force of the valve stem reverse seal increases with the increase of the medium pressure. The opening and closing of the zirconium ball valve only rotates 90°, so it is easy to realize automatic control and remote control. The ball valve can be equipped with electric devices, pneumatic devices, and hydraulic devices. The channel of the zirconium ball valve is flat and smooth, and it is not easy to deposit the medium, and it can be used for pigging and passing the ball.